Search Makings and Musings

February 7, 2012


I have been so lucky as to have several women in my life find themselves in "the family way".  Yep, that's right, there are children cookin' right now that I will have the opportunity to spoil rotten!  This means I have nine months or so to get a head start on it and I am gettin' busy!  Read on for my itty bitty baby crochet plans!  Maybe you know someone who is knocked up that you can crochet for too!

I love babies!  Especially the ones you can hand back when they are cranky or stinky!  Here are my plans to spoil some future citizens!  Did I mention I just purchased 98 balls of baby yarn?  That should keep me busy!


These are so cute and quick and easy, and best yet use up some of that stash!  The cutest ones I have found are from Princesse - X.  CLICK HERE for a link to the pattern.  Another similar and really cute pattern is on the Bernat site, its one you have to sign up for, but they have so many useful patterns, you will use it again and again!  CLICK HERE for the link!

Mittens!  No, not for keeping hands warm, for keeping those little razor sharp baby fingernails from scratching baby's face!

This pattern is from Bella Bambina Knits, CLICK HERE for the link.

The Baby Popcorn Afghan from Lion Brand is adorable!  You can make this in lots of gender-non specific colors to have on hand for baby's arrival gifts!

Here is the link, you must have a Lion Brand account to get it, but Lion Brand has tons of great patterns, so its well worth signing up! CLICK HERE for the pattern.

This is a cutie pie of a blankie!  It is from Bernat:

CLICK HERE for the pattern!

These are all the rage for babies at the moment!  The Cocoon!  I am making one in mint green and white.

Cute as a button and with a hat to match!  CLICK HERE for the link!

Well, that's probably a good start!  I hope you enjoy your crocheting!  Please stop by and share your favorite baby or other patterns with me!

Happy Hooking!
Love and Hugs,



  1. These sort of baby items are very essential for every little one because it always provide safety for your sweet baby. After reading your post every visitor know the value of these kind of baby products.

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  2. Thanks for the comment! Take care!

  3. The baby items are so precious and cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm enjoying reading your posts.

  4. Thanks for the post! Glad you liked it! I have a new tutorial almost ready, I hope you will like it!


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